
Grant of Arms for Anya

We don't see many Grants of Arms in this kingdom though I'm not sure why that is. When the assignment for Anya's came down I was delighted because it was my way of saying thank you to her for saying thank you to me.  I know that sounds silly but it isn't. I unknowingly did her AoA for her very early on in my getting started days... and in return she thanked me by giving me a book.

I was very confused by this action to be honest, no one says thank you for scrolls and they especially don't give presents. She thought I hated it because I was too shocked to know how to react. (We have long since cleared this misunderstanding up) and the book a lovely book on marginalia sits happily on my shelf with my other treasured books on all things medieval scribish.

We had talked about scrolls before this about how they should be pretty and full of shiny so I wanted to do a bling scroll for her. This was the result. LOTS of gold leaf in the form of tiny leaves, pretty flowers and delicate ornament. Of course this doesn't fit Anya's Byzantine persona at all but at the time I didn't know that ( colour me clueless) and honestly persona didn't factor in to the equation.

This piece took quite a long time to make and at the same time I was also working on a Laurel scroll for Stella (Shown in an earlier post)

This is the first time I have ever tooled gold. It came out pretty well, and over all I am happy with this scroll though I think  her name is also spelled wrong, though that's become somewhat of a running gag as her name is misspelled on many of her scrolls.

1 comment:

  1. One big reason for lack of GoAs in this kingdom is lack of recommendations. Paul and I didn't receive any in the recs. passed on from Sven & Siobhan, nor did we receive any ourselves.
